Glutamine Peptides
Food supplement powder containing glutamine peptides. Glutamine peptides are delivered directly to muscle tissue due to their rapid absorption.
It is one of the most important amino acids, since 60% of muscle tissue consists of glutamine. Glutamine deficiency causes a state of muscle catabolism.
This product helps to increase muscle strength and also helps to strengthen the immune system.
It is one of the most important amino acids, since 60% of muscle tissue consists of glutamine. Glutamine deficiency causes a state of muscle catabolism.
This product helps to increase muscle strength and also helps to strengthen the immune system.
Enerģētiskā vērtība 16,2 kcal
(68,7 kJ)
olbaltumvielas 3,2 gno tiem glutamīna peptīdi 1,4 g
ogļhidrāti 0/3 g
tauki 0.2 g
Šķiedra 0,04g